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Why Moth Orchid?

Moth orchids are unique because they don't need soil to grow and can bloom twice from the same flower spike. These flowers can also live up to 100 years and don't need much to survive, making this modern houseplant resilient AF!

At Moth Orchid Press we aim to promote misunderstood and underrepresented voices in the English Language Haikai community. We seek collections of Japanese short-forms that are modern, revolutionary, and experimental and publish in the form of free-to-read e-books. This press strives to be a safe space for experienced and new poets alike to try new things and expand their craft.

Moth Orchid Press believes in diversity, inclusivity, and education. In studying the art of Japanese short form poetry, reading is just as important as writing. We do not believe that education, books, and resources should be limited to those with financial privilege. Individual collections by Moth Orchid poets will remain free to further the education of those willing to read, study, and create, as well as to amplify the outreach of the poet’s voice.

Meet the Publisher

Rowan Beckett (they/bone/Mx.; deadname: Lori A Minor) is a queer, disabled human rights activist currently living in Ohio. They have received over fifteen awards and nominations and have given two Haiku North America presentations (2019, 2021). Rowan is founder and editor of #FemkuMag and ubu., as well as co-editor of Otoroshi Journal. Rowan's  newest collection of poetry, Hot Girl Haiku, is available by emailing them.

To learn more about Lithica and their work, visit this website.

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